Water Lily

Water Lily in Moir Gardens, Poipu Beach, Kauai

Water Lily in Moir Gardens, Poipu Beach, Kauai

Beauty, grace and elegance in movement are shown as this pink water lily stretches skyward, gathering sunlight. A slender but sturdy stalk emerges from the murky pond and rises upward like a phoenix. The petals, when they open, will be pristine even as the flower’s roots remain firmly anchored in the pond’s muddy bottom.

The fossil record shows that the water lily (Nymphaea genus) was one of the earliest flowering plants and thrived alongside the dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period, millions of years ago.

These flowers so inspired French impressionist Claude Monet that he immortalized his remarkable Giverny water lily garden in more than 200 oil paintings. His water lilies seem to drift almost dreamlike in an endless flow on the canvas.

Water lilies continue to enchant us. Their gliding bright green leaves form a scalloped tablecloth on the dark surface of this aquatic garden. Our eyes will enjoy the feast of the brilliant colored petals as they unfurl in the morning sun, swaying to their own internal rhythm.

26 thoughts on “Water Lily

  1. Wow–what a striking photograph! I did not know these facts about water lilies until reading your post. Thanks for putting a different light on something I’ve seen and taken for granted before.

  2. Susan this is lovely. Your love of nature shows through in your creative writing and photos. Well done!

  3. Susan, congratulations on your first blog!! It is wonderful, you’ve done a great job with your website. I didn’t know about water lilies! Thank you. I’m looking forward to all the coming blogs.

  4. This is great! I’ve always wanted a lily pond. And your information is great! Can’t wait for your next blog. Go, Susan.

  5. This blog is stunning, full of grace and informative. Most of all, I think, it is inspirational. I’m forwarding this to several friends and family. Thank you,

  6. Susan, your website and blog are beautifully done with colors, pictures, and imagery. It evokes peace and tranquility. Lovely picture of you. Great success!! Bridget

  7. Beautiful photo. Beautifully written. I like the info & the way U expressed it. Very inspirational. Kudos on your 1st wondrous Wednesday blog

  8. Susan, Congratulations on your fabulous blog! Your love of nature and sensitivity to it’s beauty truly shines through! I love the combination of photographs and your thoughts! You are a wonderfully descriptive writer. I love how you tied in Monet…my all time favorite painter! I look forward to your beautifully calming blog each week! Kudos to you and thank you for sharing a bit of your soul!!!

  9. Lovely inaugural post, Susan. Just what the doctor ordered after a crazy day in the city. Thanks for bringing unexpected beauty and peace into my day. I didn’t know water lilies were around so long!

  10. Congratulations on your “wondrous” first piece. Your descriptions are like paintings and evoke happy and peaceful emotions. As well, I didn’t know so much about these gorgeous flowers. Looking forward to more posts.

  11. Love this! Wish you had been with us to photograph our trip to Europe last month. The information is just the right amount of facts and flair. Congratulations on a great blog! By the way, this is my first blog response ever. Diane

  12. Congratulations Susan on your new blog. What a lovely combination of beautiful photos, informational facts, and creative writing. We need more tranquility in our troubled world!

  13. Susan the photo and your description are beautiful. I plan to share them with all my contacts. Congratulations on a beautiful blog. Thank you!

  14. Susan, the photo is beautiful, looking forward to more. One of my favorite places in France was Monet’s home and the lily pond.

  15. Susan, You’re off to a great start: From a paean to beauty, to natural history, art history, and back again. Quite a caption and a beautiful photo to go with it. I wish you luck with your blog and look forward to your next post.

  16. This is so amazing!! The beauty of the photo along with the eloquent description and background of this lovely water lily. You are so gifted! And I can say I knew you when!! Thanks for sharing your talents.

  17. Susan, that was so beautiful to read on a Sunday Morning! What a gift you have! We love you, Kathy and Bob

  18. Wonderful! I hope you are planning to archive past dates so that we can revisit all of your posts. I’m hooked!

  19. Susan,
    Sylvia and I have enjoyed your beautiful pictures and commentary.
    You are so clever. I knew you liked to write but didn’t know you were into photography. Keep them coming!

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