Quaking Aspen


Quaking Aspen near Eagle Falls, Lake Tahoe, California

Two bright yellow aspens are ablaze along a trail leading to Eagle Falls in South Lake Tahoe. Ponderosa pines and rugged granite frame the brilliant colors of the Populus tremuloides in its radiant beauty.

Thick stands of aspens are common in moist meadows and near the lake in the Tahoe basin. But these two lone trees, with their long, smooth, pale-colored trunks, punctuate the mountainside and conifers like an incandescent exclamation mark.

Who can forget, “I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree”?  American poet Joyce Kilmer’s Trees was the most memorized and recited poem in schools for decades after it first appeared in the August 1913 issue of Poetry magazine.

Trees capture our imagination. Aspens, with their rounded, almost heart-shaped leaves that flutter in the slightest breeze, can stop us in our busy tracks.

The golden leaves signal the earth’s spin into the autumn season. They may remind us to slow down and appreciate the aspens at this wonderful time before the leaves drop in winter and rebud and flower in spring and summer.

“The tree is more than first a seed, then a stem, then a living trunk, and then dead timber.  The tree is a slow, enduring force straining to win the sky.”

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Wisdom of the Sands, translated from French by Stuart Gilbert


13 thoughts on “Quaking Aspen

  1. Wow, what a breathtaking sight this is. And once again I learned something: the leaves are almost heart-shaped. A nice reminder to take a second look at the beauty around us. Thanks!

  2. Beautiful picture and words. We have a home in the mountains in Utah and the cedar trees are my favorite especially when the wind is blowing the leaves gently. Very relaxing.

  3. Gorgeous photo and vibrant contrast between the yellow and dark brown/black rocks. Photo
    brought back the remembrance of a trip with my parents and siblings. We camped near a large group of aspen just starting to turn colors. Thanks.

  4. Another gorgeous photo. Amazing color contrast. Thank you for the reminder to slow down and enjoy not just the aspens but life.

  5. These pair of aspens are radiant jewels in the dark, lush setting. These trees are calling out to us! Beautiful image and wonderful commentary.

  6. What a gift to write as you do and to be able to be inspired by passion–if only we could all be so lucky!

  7. The quaking aspen r so beautiful . When we were in Canada we saw some many of them and the slittiest breeze would make them dance. I love them! Thanks for the info. Always enjoy your articles. Thx.

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