Laguna Nursery

Endless Time in the Garden, Laguna Nursery

Endless Time in the Garden, Laguna Nursery

A visit to Laguna Nursery on Coast Highway is one of my “must-dos” whenever I’m in Laguna Beach. During Thanksgiving week, I meandered around the rooms and garden courtyards in the nursery and enjoyed a delightful surprise around every corner.

Cyclamens, succulents, bush-sized poinsettias, and orchids in every size and color are layered and intertwined with artwork, chandeliers, vintage iron gates and salvaged architectural pieces into unique floral set designs.

The “Asian Room” overflows with lava statues, fountains and Buddha images.  A 1940’s deep blue Ferris wheel chair with a bright red cushion brought to mind my  first carnival ride. Scattered throughout the nursery are salvaged pieces from Chicago’s 1919 Peoples Theatre, including a terra cotta wall and wooden horse. They’re artfully arranged with flowers, Christmas ornaments and even angels suspended in mid-air.

The nursery is magical, beautiful, whimsical and a million other adjectives. The trills and tweets of the Laguna Nursery birds including parakeets Kiwi and Melon, lovebirds Peachy and Moe, and cockatiels Mork and Mindy are appealing.  Sounds of water from the many fountains add to the serenity in this 1 ½-acre paradise.

Besides being a visual wonderland, a trip to this nursery will inspire you to use those dusty objects in the recesses of your garage or side yard to liven up your own garden.

Landscape designer Ruben Flores has breathed fresh life into this historic nursery since he purchased it six years ago. Sculptures, unique planters, gifts, and Plein Air greeting cards are for sale amidst the abundant plants and flowers – all in the nursery of “ahh’s”.

Asian Room, Laguna Nursery

Asian Room, Laguna Nursery

“Bumper to Bumper: Hula Girl” sculpture by Paulden , Laguna Nursery

“Bumper to Bumper: Hula Girl” sculpture by Paulden , Laguna Nursery

Angels Paradise, Laguna Nursery

Angels Paradise, Laguna Nursery



16 thoughts on “Laguna Nursery

  1. Love the pix of the shop. Will have to visit the Laguna Nursery when I’m in Laguna next time. Thx for the travel & shopping tip!

  2. This nursery is fabulous! Each room is its own universe with flowers for the backdrop .Thank you, Susan, for bringing it to us in all its vibrancy and life. Millie

  3. Wow, Susan ! You really know how to bring a place to life with your words! I have just added this place to our “must see” list when we are in Laguna beach again. Thanks so much for bringing it to our attention !

  4. Terrific photos–you sure have the knack. This sounds like a terrific place to visit, and I never knew it was there. Thanks!

  5. Wow. Did not know about this place but will put on my must see list. Your description of the place is wonderful.

  6. Susan,
    You took me on a wonderful trip through a vintage place that I had forgotten about. You are so gifted with your way with words. Since I thought you were going to wait until next year to do another installation, this was a welcome surprise.

  7. As a frequent visitor to Laguna Beach, and having been to this lovely place many times, I applaud you, Susan, for capturing the beauty and substance of this amazing nursery. It is, indeed, more than a nursery, in part, a museum. Thank you for expressing yourself so artistically and eloquently.

  8. What I love about your blog is how it raises perception, appreciation and a sense of adventure in every day forays into the environment.

    I also love the idea of dusting off pieces stored in our garage and using some in or near the garden.

  9. What I love about your blog is how it raises perception, appreciation and a sense of adventure for every day forays into the environment. You see much and express it so well. Susan

  10. You capture the wonder of stillness and peace in your photography. Thank you for reminding us to take time to be still, especially during the holidays.

  11. I haven’t been to the Laguna Nursery in years. Always loved taking a walk through it, will make a special trip real soon to do so again. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures.

  12. What wonderful pictures and such a great story! It is definitely on my To Do List on my next visit!

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