
Cat at Tom's Pan German Bakery, Nuevo Arenal, Costa Rica

Cat at Tom’s Pan German Bakery, Nuevo Arenal, Costa Rica

While driving in northwestern Costa Rica a few years ago, we stopped at Tom’s German bakery for a confectionary break. Yes, you heard right!  A popular German bakery flourishes in Nuevo Arenal, a tropical melting pot of local Ticos, Europeans, Americans and Canadians.

A foamy cappuccino, Strudel and cinnamon rolls were a welcome treat after days of hearty arroz, meat and black beans meals. We sat at a table on the outdoor patio with other travelers recounting our adventures in this lush land.

Two tables over, this sweet-faced cat was curled up on a cushioned chair snoozing totally undisturbed by our chatter. The calico catching a few winks called out to me — pure “Pura Vida!”

We came to Costa Rica to enjoy its beauty, spot colorful birds, hear the howler monkeys, zip line the rain forest’s canopy, cruise for crocodiles, ride horses, river raft, and immerse ourselves in the culture.

But now this sleeping cat enchanted me.  Some things are the same all over the world. A snooze is a snooze no matter whatever country you are in.  A time for quiet, rest, relaxation, peace. The furry feline reminded me there’s always time to kick back and while away the time sipping coffee and swapping stories…or to take a catnap. “To sleep, perchance to dream.”

14 thoughts on “Catnap

  1. Nice. Makes me wonder though. Is any bakery goods have hard crust in the tropics. Here in Hawaii we found a somewhat crusty french sour dough bagette (we have a branch of la brea bakery here). But by the time we got home the crust was soft. No wonder the locales eat mostly White Breads.

  2. Purrrrfect Valentines Day photo! I’m like the kitty today … A rare “sleep in” day. Need more of this kind of “activity”.

  3. This is my favorite so far. I must need a nap! Thanks as always for your lovely words and photos.
    Thanks, Susan.

  4. Susan,

    The more lax regulations in Central America for animals in eating establishments reminded me of when Millie and I were staying at a charming hotel with open air dining on the Island of Ometepe in Nicaragua. We were enchanted on our first visit to the dining area to see tropical birds swoop in to snatch leftovers from the tables. And bemused that the obviously unenchanted waiters were decidedly rude to their feathered guests. Then, after a day or so, the novelty had definitely worn off and we too were feeling the “beautiful” birds were about as welcome as ants at a picnic. Perhaps a couple of dining room cats could have kept things in a more charming balance.

  5. You enchanted me again with a charming photograph and recounting of your travels in Costa Rica. And because I traveled on the same trip, it was enjoyable to revisit those experiences. I don’t think I had the pleasure of going to the same bakery there, though.

  6. My parents spent four wonderful years living in San Jose just before I was born. They often speak of it as one of the most wonderful places to live. It had it’s challenges, though. In those days part of the road to the airport was still not paved. Nearby volcanic activity caused a constant mist of ash to fall for weeks, maybe months….not much fun for the daily laundry that was hung out to dry!

    I’ve always wanted to visit the place where I was conceived. Thanks for another beautiful blog post, Susan!

  7. We also were able to enjoy the beauty of Costa Rica from the zip lines in the forest but we must have been going too fast because we missed the kitty. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day.

  8. I agree, this is the best yet – the picture of the sleeping cat and the description of your visit. Would love to see the zip line photos as well.

  9. Since I am a cat lady, I fell in love with this pic. One of my cats is a calico…she is sweet and beautiful even when she is sleeping…just like this one. I love your pictures and narrative. You visit such interesting and beautiful places. Your ideas inspire me to plan my trips more carefully. You are highlighting places that I have overlooked. Thanks.

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