Leo the Driving Dog

Leo, Encinitas, California

Leo, Encinitas, California

Leo, an adorable Pomeranian dog, cruises around in his black convertible and the excitement he brings is contagious. At the Encinitas Street Faire this fall, this toy dog was the biggest attraction paws-down.  Leo weaved his car through six blocks of vendor booths, musical groups, food courts and throngs of visitors just off Coast Highway.

He’s the Pied Piper!  Admirers chased after him hoping to get a closer look at the handsome furry fellow. His dad-owner followed behind and operated the car’s remote and almost ran over the paparazzi (including yours truly) who photographed Leo at every turn.

Leo is James Dean cool! With one paw resting on the steering wheel, he’s got it all: the music blaring, the gold medallion, the cell phone and the Costco card. He even sports wire-rimmed shades on his driver license photo. He nonchalantly drives around and his fans flock to him.  People adore him and he knows it.

I’m hoping this foxy fluff ball let his golden locks loose to frolic with a few other pooches in the Lumberyard’s dog park.

Turns out, Leo’s such a popular fellow in the San Diego area that he’s talked about on Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter and even in the Huffington Post.

Let’s hope that as we turn the corner into 2014, lots of unexpected surprises like Leo at the wheel pop up along the way and add to our joy in the New Year.

12 thoughts on “Leo the Driving Dog

  1. Dear Susan,
    Happy New Year!
    The Pomeranian dog is simply precious. I enjoyed this unexpected and wonderful posting. Keep up those creative juices. Sending you all my best for 2014. Love, Andrea

  2. So cute. He can come drive Ava & Connor Woods’ car sometime. It’s just his size. Teach the 3-yr-olds how it’s done

  3. Thank you, Susan. This started 2014 with a big smile on my face. What a great story! Maybe I will be able to see Leo sometime in person. Thanks for another great story!

  4. This is without a doubt the most adorable photo I have seen this year (or last!) How great you discovered him and have shared him with us.

  5. Susan,
    Happy New Year. This cute little dog and story tempts me to go and rescue one! We still miss our guys.
    Enjoy your upcoming birthday.
    Love, Isabelle

  6. Reminds me of the Llama we saw in Julian, remember how he attracted the crowds?! Animals and babies are natural scene stealers, but this little doggie went all out!

  7. Looks like your starting the new year on a positive note. I can see why that cute dog was so popular.

    Happy New Year

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