Category Archives: Photos

The Great American Eclipse and Circles in the Sand

Watching Eclipse, Descanso Gardens, La Canada, California, 8.21.17

When Jim and I watched the eclipse August 21 from Hope Rock high above Descanso Gardens with our friend Brian, friends of ours were in Oregon watching the same grand show. The first coast-to-coast solar eclipse in the U.S. in nearly a century had created anticipation and enthusiasm throughout our country.

Regardless of where we viewed the eclipse, we experienced delight and awe as the sun disappeared bite by bite as if the moon was devouring a delicious chocolate chip cookie when it glided between the earth and sun.

We lent our ISO-CE eclipse sunglasses to others in the Gardens who didn’t have them so they could enjoy the view too. What was extra special about the Great American Eclipse was not just the marvel happening above us but the joy of witnessing it with others.

Adventurous Chris drove to Oregon and hiked above the Snake River in Hells Canyon. Along with a French astronomer and other interested campers, he enjoyed the moon shadow cast across the Snake River. This QuickTime video was shot looking southeast on the Oregon side of the river. Idaho is in the background. He captured the shadow with his Canon Power Shot SD8SOIS. You can hear the excitement, the wind and the exhilaration. Their viewing highlights included seeing solar flares, Venus, Mars and experiencing a 20- degree drop in the temperature. 

Our friends, Janice and Dick, viewed the eclipse in Lebanon, Oregon at Cheadle Lake Park. Driving two hours in the dark from Rosenberg, Oregon, they were first in line to enter the park. Four hours later they were thrilled to watch the moon “eat” the sun until it was dark again for two magical minutes.

Circles in the Sand, Bandon, Oregon. Photo by Janice Gilden

On the drive home, they stopped in Bandon, Oregon and were surprised to find sand circles on a beach. Artist Denny Dyke creates the “circles in the sand” and designs a new maze each day for 5 days during each week of summer. Janice took the photos with her iPhone 5C.

Volunteers help curve the labyrinth and people walk the twists and turns of the sandy path, perhaps reflecting on where they are truly going. About two hours after the sand circle is completed, it’s washed to sea as the tide returns. And a new one is created the next day.

The eclipse offered so many things: celestial spectacle, beauty, wonder, and a sense of universal order as the earth, moon and sun align…and, for some, welcoming sand beneath their feet on a beautiful beach in Oregon.






We’ve Got Goslings

A Perfect Formation, Descanso Gardens, La Canada, California, 2017. Photo by Peggy Starr.

Gosling — we’re not talking Ryan Gosling here but his avian relative — the Canadian goose and a gaggle of young ones…the goslings.

Every spring at Descanso Gardens, a lovely pair of Canadian geese gets in the mood and I get to see their brood! Since Canadian geese mate for life, I’ve followed a few generations of their offspring over the years. Thanks to the Canadian geese, I get to see goslings grow up right before my

This year, the black-necked, white chin-strapped geese had 4 lovelies. The newly hatched geese look like ducklings with their yellow downy feathers. Quickly, they morph into fuzzy gray fluff balls. And now, just a few weeks later, they’ve grown their flight feathers and are a smaller version of their watchful parents.

I often see them lazing around the Mulberry pond, walking around the lake, or swimming in a perfect line down an oak-lined stream. The parents are ever attentive and protective –mom in front and the gander in the rear of the brood.

It Was a Long Day!

Sometimes they stroll along the promenade or in the open area under the oak grove. In the late afternoon, they’re often flaked out on the lake bank after a long, long day.

Canadian geese can travel more than 1,000 kilometers in a day while migrating. They can literally fly around the world in 40 days if they wanted to! But Descanso’s Canadian geese know they have a good thing going. Why would they migrate when they have their own “La La Land” at Descanso Gardens?


MIgrating Gray Whales

Two Gray Whales (one showing its flukes). Point Vicente, California.


I’ve been fascinated by gray whales and their amazing annual migration for a long time. This time of year, the grays have left the warm Baja lagoons, many with their newborn calves beside them, swimming to their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic sea 5,000 to 7,000 miles away. This is one of the longest mammal migrations on earth.

Years ago, I discovered the best local cliff-top whale watching spot — Point Vicente in Rancho Palos Verdes. For decades, it’s been the primary station of the American Cetacean Society’s (ACS) Gray Whale census.

From December through May, teams of expert volunteer spotters watch the waters from sunrise to sunset from an elevated patio. Fully equipped with binoculars and spotting scopes, no blow, fluke or signs of a whale escape them. A few weeks ago, we hung out with the spotters, listening to their calls and the post number location of where a whale was sighted. We saw at least 15 whales.

Some of the whales are far out in the ocean. Terri, one of the spotters, pointed out a fin whale’s distinctive spout pattern against the horizon even though the whale was almost 2 miles from shore. Many of the grays were close enough to shore to see with binoculars or the naked eye.

Jim and I walked along the oceanside path and at 3:33 pm – a time I always consider lucky, we stopped and sure enough a pair of gray whales were so close I could easily see them. Then one of the whales dove under showing me her beautiful ebony flukes. Double whammy!!


The best viewing time is December through April during their winter and spring migrations. You can follow the grays daily migration and trends at: The whales swim 90-100 miles a day, travelling in small pods.

 Adjacent to the viewing spot is a natural history museum with exhibits on the rich natural and cultural history of the Palos Verdes peninsula. The address is 31501 Palos Verdes Drive West.

Bring a picnic, a pair of binoculars and have a whale of a day!

Spring Has Arrived

Hummingbird Nest in Construction, Glendale, California

Spring arrives with backyard surprises for us. It could be the discovery of eight baby skunks (phew!) or a blue-eyed fledging crow that left his nest before he was ready to fly. Yesterday, a hummingbird decided to build her nest on an electric cord in our garage.

A red hummingbird feeder hangs outside our kitchen window and it’s been popular with the iridescent birds for years. That, plus plenty of hummingbirds’ favorite plants keep them around all year long. But I have yet to spot any hummingbird nests…that is, until yesterday.

The last few mornings when I opened our garage door, a hummingbird whizzed in and out of the garage like a tiny jet. She flew up towards the ceiling, over the garage door and out again…over and over. I wondered what was going on. Lost? Looking for something? Frightened?

I couldn’t figure it out until yesterday when I saw her light for a nano-second on the electric cord dangling from our garage door motor. And then I saw it – the beginnings of her nest. YIKES! Not a good place to nest at all.

Luckily, I knew who to call since I heard Terry Masear, the hummingbird rescuer of more than 5,000 little darlings, speak at San Marino’s Huntington Gardens a few weeks ago. Terry helped me plan what to do since we can’t leave our garage door open for the next couple months for access and the nest was still in the early stages.

So I got to work. I removed the nesting material from the electrical cord and placed it in the Silver Sheen tall shrubs that line our driveway. Then I scurried around our yard collecting sticky spider-webs, which I stuck close to her nesting material in the shrubs. Neighbors donated lint from their clothes dryers to adorn the shrubs. I washed a load of towels to collect more fluffy lint. I climbed a ladder and hung a large red sign above the webs and lint hoping to guide her. Fingers crossed that she uses these materials to build an outside nest.

But the scientist in me wondered why would a hummingbird after all these years suddenly decide our garage was the right place to lay her precious eggs? I looked around and saw “RED”.

Hummingbirds are attracted to red – the bright color signals flowers and nectar. We had the inside of our garage painted white recently. And I realized all the red stuff that was on the shelves must have looked like the Garden of Eden to the little bird — red plastic storage bins, a dartboard box, a large “TEAM CARR” sign from our Rose Bowl Alzheimer’s walk, Jim’s red tennis bag, the bright orange box of Hefty bags…and the red emergency release cord for the garage door with a round red plastic handle that must look like a giant hanging flower.

Needless to say, our garage door is staying closed until our expectant hummingbird builds a new nest…with a little help from her extreme home makeover neighbors.

Hummingbird — Don’t Fly Away

Hummingbird, Northeast Oklahoma ©. Photo by Laurel Clark. Cannot be used without permission.

Hummingbird, Northeast Oklahoma ©. Photo by Laurel Clark. Cannot be used without permission.

Hummingbirds! They bring us joy and inspiration. Singers Seals and Crofts celebrated the hummingbird’s glories in their lyrical eponymous song. The hummingbird is Papyrus paper company’s logo — every greeting card includes this message: “Legend say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying out our hopes for love, joy and celebration”. And Native American mythology abounds with hummingbird stories and meanings.

Hummingbirds always stop me in my tracks with their flashing iridescence, whirring wings and aerial acrobatics. But best of all, they slow me down to enjoy a moment of beauty with this marvel of nature.

My friend, Laurel photographed this Ruby-throated hummingbird, feasting on nectar one early evening this summer while she was visiting her parents in the deep woods of Northeast Oklahoma. “My dad has hung hummingbird feeders for more years that I can remember. He used to hang six, but this year, considering his advancing age, he hung only four. My parents’ yard has many choices for gathering their nectar from the many flowering plants they have planted over the years. Dad hangs one feeder early in April in case there’s an early bird arrival in the spring. They usually herald tax season arriving on April 15 most years! In past years, I remember it sounded like a helicopter was outside their living room window with so many hummingbirds coming to feed”. Lori shot this photo with her Nikon D5500.

Laurel is grateful for the hummingbirds because her dad at 93 could still feed the birds. They got him out of his chair to make the sweet nectar and in return, the birds entertained her dad and mom from dawn to dusk.

A hummingbird’s delicate grace is deceiving. Even though they weigh less than a nickel, they are pugnacious and can take on larger birds infringing on their territory. They can zoom from 0-60 in four seconds. Cirque du Soleil can’t begin to complete with their aerial feats: flying upside down, backwards and sideways, zooming into figure 8’s, and lots of loop-di-loos.

Anna’s hummingbirds regularly jet over to the Perky-Pet ® feeder hanging outside our kitchen window and visit our backyard nectar bars of velvety Mexican sage bush and lush lantana.

Like Laurel’s dad, I stop whatever I’m doing to watch my own hummingbirds. Just like Seals and Crofts, I never want them to fly away.